A small amount of fresh urine; about a teaspoon. The fresher the sample, the more accurate some parts of the test will be; ideally, we'd like to test immediately after your pet urinates. If you can't bring your sample in right away, refrigerate it (but don't freeze it!). A sample taken the day before will, generally, not be useful to us. The sample should contain urine only, collected in a clean container from a clean surface or by catching your pet's urine mid-stream. Samples containing litter, yard debris, or feces cannot be used.
If you can't get a sample from your pet at home, we may be able to collect a sample in the office by cystocentesis - a simple procedure where we extract urine directly from the bladder with a thin needle. It is no more painful to your pet than a blood draw or injection, and allows us to get a sterile sample.
We can also provide you with non-absorbent, sterile beads to put in your cat's box in place of litter, to allow you to collect an uncontaminated sample.
Getting a urine sample can be tricky - if you have questions or need help, call us: 215-348-1037